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Pre-screening Survey

Pre-authorization is required for attendance at all in-person worship services.  Though you may receive the initial clearance, on-site screening and a temperature check may also be utilized. To help us prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19, please answer all questions as accurately as possible.

1. Within the last 2 weeks, have you had any of the following:      

Fever, cough, body aches, headaches, or any flu or cold-like symptoms?
New loss of taste or smell?
Contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19?
2. Have you tested positive for COVID or had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID within the last 5 days?
3. Will other individuals accompany you to this worship service?
4. Has anyone that will accompany you tested positive for COVID or had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID within the last 5 days?

Thank you for pre-registering.  If we require more information about your responses, you’ll be contacted by our staff at least 24 hours prior to the worship service.   Stay safe and we look forward to worshiping with you soon!

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