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How to Combat Warfare

Spiritual warfare is when demons interfere with human affairs. Spiritual warfare is also when the humanity side of you is fighting the divinity side of you. The struggle yielding to God.

Warfare comes in different forms:

  • A spouse not submitting to God.

  • An unsaved Boss.

  • Waking up in the morning trying to get to church and things go wrong on your way there.

We find ourselves overtaken by situations because we are not yielded to God completely. We must secure our relationship in the spirit

Tools to combat spiritual warfare:

  1. Remember who your enemy is and who it is not; We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities ; Ephesians 6:12

  2. Walk and pray; Psalms 143:3

  3. Fasting; Matt 6:16-18

  4. Get counsel from a reliable source ; Proverbs 19:20

  5. Read the word of God ; psalms 119:105 ; psalms 119:11; James 1:21-25

  1. Fill your mind with truth; The word is the truth; Listen to biblical teachings.

  2. Memorize scripture; The best way to fight the enemy is with the word of God. Psalms 119:11

  3. Remember this is just a season; Warfare comes in seasons and it will not last forever. Remind yourself of the truth.

  4. Don’t give the enemy space in your head or in your behavior; Don’t talk with the enemy.

  5. Get enough rest and exercise.

  6. Use your heavenly language; Speaking in tongues.

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